Happy New Year

Happy New Year

We hope you all had a lovely rest, reset and relax over the holiday break. Our New Year ahead is starting off well and we are very busy up at the OG workshop filling commission orders and making new pieces for our shop.

This means we are all systems go and have decided to switch up our shop opening times for The Toad down at Goodsheds. For the rest of this month, we will be opening Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11-4pm. Here’s a few snapshots of what the studio is looking like right now, we hope you enjoy.

Matt throwing a Moon Jar (his favourite thing to make).

Some of our packed studio shelves.

Full of bowls that are drying.

Making a small dip dish.

The Wheel.

The open kiln cooling down after a bisque firing.

Our two kilns stood side by side.

Some more bowls.

The beginning of some coffee cups.

All in a days work.